What Are Smart Blinds—and Should You Get Them?

When you're in the market for new window blinds, you'll see that smart blinds are becoming more common. So many things in the average home have now been upgraded to a smart version (you might be reading this on a smartphone), but is there any advantage to smart window fittings? It might help to know the types of smart blinds that are available, along with what they're capable of doing.

Automatic vs. Smart

Although the term smart and automatic are often used interchangeably, they can be two very different classifications. Automatic blinds are motorised, and only open and close when a button is pressed. While smart blinds are motorised and can be triggered as needed, they're also reactive. Smart blinds are operated by the provided app, although they're also compatible with a voice-controlled virtual assistant.

Possible Settings

Smart Blinds can be configured to open and close of their own accord, which they'll do in response to outside temperatures and sunlight. In many households, it will be sufficient to set smart blinds to open at sunrise and close at sunset. You may also wish to set a maximum threshold for UV light, allowing the blinds to lower themselves when it becomes too bright outside. 

Wi-Fi or Bluetooth

Smart blinds come with a small, discreet motor and either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity. Wi-Fi is preferable, as it allows true remote control—meaning you can operate your blinds with the device's app from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection. You could conceivably lower your blinds while you're on your way home to cool the room. Bluetooth connectivity is limited to a range of just a few metres. A smart blind with Wi-Fi connectivity may be more expensive than its Bluetooth cousin, but you're paying for the range and flexibility of the device. If you're getting smart blinds, you want them to be as smart as possible.

Power Sources

Aside from the unobtrusive motor, smart blinds look just like regular blinds, so the choice of material and colour is up to you. Since these blinds are motorised, they'll need a power source. They can either be hardwired or have a dedicated electrical cord that hangs off the motor and must be plugged into an outlet. Purely as a matter of aesthetics, hardwired is preferable. Smart blinds can also be battery-powered. Standard batteries can be used, although these must be changed as needed. Solar-powered batteries are a better choice, as these are self-charging. 

Smart blinds can be extremely beneficial. Contact companies that sell various types of blinds to learn more. 
