Two Common Misconceptions About Garage Door Motors

Here are two common misconceptions about garage door motors.

They Require a Lot of Complex and Costly Maintenance

One misconception about garage door motors is that they require a lot of maintenance and that it must be done by a professional and is expensive. In reality, most motors for garage doors require a minimal amount of upkeep, and much of this upkeep can be easily done by the garage owner. For example, even if a motorised garage door is used regularly, its motor's parts will normally only need to be lubricated a few times a year. Motor lubricant is inexpensive and the process of applying it to a motor's bearings, screw-drive and belt or chain can often take just a few minutes. Similarly, whilst the outer casings on garage door motors need to be periodically wiped to keep them free from debris that could otherwise damage their components, this costs nothing and could potentially be done in less than 10 minutes.

Likewise, a person will only need to check this motor's electrical components for signs of corrosion a few times a year (or after specific incidents, such as flooding, that might put the motor at higher risk of corrosion). Whilst repairing any corroded wires would need to be done by a professional, this is not an issue that most garage owners need to deal with regularly. As such, a person who feels they would find a garage door motor useful should not be put off buying one out of concern about the level of maintenance it may require and the costs associated with this.

Garage Door Motors Must Be Fitted by Tradespeople

A second misconception about these motors is that installing them is a complex process that only a tradesperson can do. If a person is on a budget and cannot afford to hire this professional, they might be deterred from purchasing a motor due to this misconception. However, whilst it's certainly easier for a garage owner to hire someone else to fit this component, it is entirely possible for them to do this job themselves, provided they have some basic equipment and tools and understand the fundamentals of this project.

Most motors of this kind come with detailed instruction manuals which can guide a person through the fitting process. Furthermore, there are many garage door motor installation videos online that can assist a person who wants to do this task on their own. Generally speaking, this process will involve mounting the motor unit, a bracket, the rail that serves as the connection between the motor and the door and the belt or chain. After this, the person installing this feature might need to add the safety sensors if their motor comes with these and connect the motor unit's wires to the garage's electricity source. Lastly, if it's a smart motor, they'll need to sync it to their smartphone and do some test runs to check that it's fully functional.

For more information bout garage door motors, reach out to a local service.
